All packages below or equal to 40 lbs are charged at a flat rate of $30.00.
All packages over 40 lbs that doesn't pass the size of a quarter pallet are charged at a rate of 75 cents per lb.
All packages that fill up to the size of a quarter pallet are charged at a flat rate of $100.00
All packages that are over the size of a quarter pallet
up to the size of a half pallet are charged at a flat rate of $200.00
All packages that are over a half pallet up to the size of a pallet are charged at a flat rate of $325.00
All packages 0-10 lbs/Vlbs are charged at a flat rate of $10.00.
All packages over 10 lbs/Vlbs are charged at a rate of $0.95 per lb.
All packages 0-5 lbs/Vlbs are charged at a flat rate of $10.00.
All packages over 5 lbs/Vlbs are charged at a rate of $2.00 per lb.
All packages 0-5 lbs/Vlbs are charged at a flat rate of $10.00.
All packages over 5 lbs are charged at a rate of $2.00 per lb.